A space to connect to what truly nourishes our lives.

Mind, Body & Spirit 

Welcome to Samaya Sol Studio

Yoga, Nutrition, & Wellness


Samaya Sol - Samaya is the Sanskrit word used to describe “time or the proper moment to do something. A commitment.”Sol is the latin term for SUN and represents the SOUL or the light within us all.

We are a friendly and intimate boutique studio or Shala, “Home” that is about helping you nourish the whole you - mind, body and spirit, through yoga, nutrition, and wellness. We believe that nothing in isolation, no matter how good it
may be, works to its full potential alone. We are interconnected beings within and without. If we want to thrive individually and together with the Earth, we must create space to BE and see ourselves as an interconnected WHOLE.

We’re about bringing stillness and mindfulness to your present moment, to the only thing we have for certain which is NOW. We believe that we always have an opportunity and choice to create space for ourselves for hope, inspiration, empowerment, and positive change through our daily practices and habits.

We feel grateful to guide you to your inner world and to RECONNECT to the things that truly nourish our lives. So you feel more inspired. Gain more fulfillment. Gain more energy and well-being than you ever imagined possible.

Intro Offer: 3 classes for £40

Intro Offer: 3 classes for £40

Like all journeys, there must be three stages: (1) The place where we begin, (2) the choosing of our destination, (3) the effort to arrive. It is not an easy journey. Difficulties, frustrations, and disappointments will arise. We are likely to falter. That is why it must be movement of continuous effort, and gradual progression.
— T. Krishnamacharya